Ecg4me is a personal medical device for rapid screening assessment of the state of the heart and the level of stress in the body. Ecg4me is intended for both home use to examine yourself and your loved ones, and for professional use by doctors and medical institutions.
Ecg4me is a portable version of the popular and widely used Cardiovisor Heart Screening System, for measuring microalternations and analyzing by dispersion mapping, with the ability to analyze Heart Rate Variability. The device records a resting ECG in a sitting or lying position for 30 seconds, 3 or 5 minutes from 4 electrodes placed on the limbs (leads I–aVF).
Next, low-amplitude oscillations of the ECG signal are automatically isolated and analyzed in successive heart contractions, the so-called analysis of microalternations, which is fundamentally different from standard ECG contour analysis. This is a unique technique with thousands of studies and scientific publications.
Despite the fact that the device implements a complex technique for analyzing ECG, the device is very simple to use - you just need to put on the electrodes and press just one button. As a result, you will get a heart of green, yellow, orange or red color, which characterizes the state of your heart at the moment. It is also possible to watch the dynamics of more complex indicators, such as the Myocardium index, heart rate and PARS, and study an expert report with a cardiogram.
Ecg4me device is based on the “Health-Express” software module, which is widely used in medical practice for screening examinations and includes two analysis methods.
When choosing an ECG registration duration of 30 seconds, an examination will be carried out using the Cardiovisor technique, and when choosing a duration of 3 or 5 minutes, an extended examination will be carried out using the Cardiovisor technique and the Heart Rate Variability technique.

"Cardiovisor" (dispersive ECG mapping)
The Cardiovitor technique is a method for analyzing ECG microalternations, which selects 30-second sections from an ECG recording and for each section, an automatic analysis of low-amplitude oscillations of the ECG signal in successive heart contractions is carried out. This is fundamentally different from standard ECG contour analysis. Microalternations are sensitive indicators of the overall functioning of the physiological systems of the body involved in the mechanisms of cardiac regulation. The cardiovisor responds to changes in the ion balance in myocytes, shifts in sympathoadrenal activation and other metabolic changes, which, due to their small magnitude, do not appear in the morphology of the ECG or ultrasound of the heart. Similarly, the Cardiovisor reacts to the hidden dynamics of the compensatory reaction of the left ventricle, which makes it possible to timely identify the state of cardiac overload.
The characteristics of microalternations are represented by the integral Myocardium index and nine indicators detailing changes in the parts of the heart, as well as in the intervals of de- and repolarization. A map of averaged amplitudes of microalternations is formed in the form of a 3-dimensional color model of the heart (dispersion portrait of the heart).
Normally, the Myocardium index is within the range of 0-14%, the borderline state is 15-18%, a value of 19% and above is a deviation.
According to the results of testing on the ECG database DB-PTB of the Institute of Metrology of Germany, when dividing the norm-pathology groups, the sensitivity of the Myocardium index was 84% and the specificity was 73%.

"Assessment of heart rate variability (HRV)"
Analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is a standard, scientifically based methodology for prenosological diagnostics to obtain information about the degree of tension of regulatory systems, as a nonspecific response of the body to any adverse effects that require the mobilization of functional reserves.
The method for assessing HRV using a 3- or 5-minute ECG recording calculates time and frequency parameters, and also classifies the functional state of the body based on ideas about homeostasis and adaptation with the calculation of the Activity Index of Regulatory Systems (PARS).
Ecg4me for home use
- Simple one button solution
- Convenient mobile application
- Connecting family members to one office
- Intuitive examination results
Ecg4me for medical institutions
- Personal account on kardi.ru
- Possibility of conducting examinations without connecting to a mobile application
- Association of doctors within one medical institution
- Unified patient database
- CardiRu 12-channel solution option
CardiRu allows medical institutions to conduct remote monitoring of patients, monitor the dynamics of patients’ heart conditions and develop recommendations based on research results.
Since it allows the patient to independently and promptly carry out the necessary examinations at the right time, which increases the efficiency of the patient’s treatment and his timely visit to the doctor.
Areas of application of Ecg4me
- Remote patient monitoring.
- Monitoring of patients in hospital and after discharge.
- Monitoring the postoperative recovery of patients.
- Monitoring for rhythm disturbances.
- Assessing the effectiveness of prescribed drug therapy.
- Monitoring the recovery of patients after a heart attack.
- Monitoring the heart condition of professional and amateur athletes.
ECG recording | |
Duration of ECG recording | 30 seconds (default), 3 minutes, 5 minutes |
ECG leads | 6 standard: I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF |
Speed | 25 mm/s |
Amplification | 10 mm/mV |
Device | |
Sampling rate | 500 Hz |
Frequency range at -3 dB | from 0.05 to 70 Hz |
Input dinamic range | ±200 mV |
Noise | < 20 µV p-p |
Time to fully charge the built-in battery | ≤ 2.5 hours |
Wireless data interface | BLE 4.2 |
Power | Internal LiPo battery, 3.7V, 900mAH |
Battery charger | from the mains 100-240V, 50/60Hz, output: 5V, 400 mA |
Electrode cable length | not less then 1 m |
Dimensions (LxWxH) without cable | 85 x 55 x 18 mm |
Weigh of device | < 65 g |
Dimensions of package (LxWxH) | 232 x 180 x 45 mm |
Gross weight | < 600 g |
Warranty | |
(Undefined variable: texts/commonParamVariables.param_warranty) | 12 months |
Assigned useful life | 24 months |